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Material Donations for Metal Roofing and Siding Projects

Steelscape donates excess material to registered 501(c) organizations who can use this material for applications such as metal roofing and siding on new facilities or repairs to existing structures. Donations reflect the provision of unformed painted steel. Steelscape does not manufacture metal into finished products such as roofing or siding panels, however we have product manufacturing partners we can refer upon request. We donate these products as is, with the recipient responsible for shipping and installation.

All donations must conform to our Material Donation policy and program and subject to validation and approval. While the quantities and opportunities available for donations vary, we are always looking for worthy 501(c) organizations which could use this material. If your 501(c) organization is interested, please fill out the form below. Material is provided based on availability and on a first come first serve basis.

Please note: Our area of service is typically western U.S primarily Oregon, California, and Washington.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

