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Your Partner for Sustainable Metal Roofing and Siding Solutions

The significance of sustainability in building and construction has evolved over the years. Steelscape has responded to this evolution through enhanced disclosure, continued education and defining what sustainability means to us.

To Steelscape, sustainability means developing and producing pre-painted metal solutions in a manner that provides for a sustainable future. This requires a focus on continuous improvement, adopting new operating methods and anticipating new products to support the future needs of a sustainable society.

We take a life cycle approach, looking at the impact of a product over its entire life and focus on the four principles of a circular economy:

  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Remanufacture
  • Recycle

Pre-painted metal reflects a superior product of choice for the creation of sustainable, efficient structures due to high recyclability, modern reflective coating systems and transparent ingredient reporting. Steelscape is your partner of choice in the development of sustainable, inspirational metal solutions for the built environment. Our products can be used to design stunning and efficient structures that meet stringent sustainable built environment building criteria.

Contact us to discuss the merits of pre-painted metal and how Steelscape can work with you to meet your next project’s sustainability requirements.

Safety is one of Steelscape’s highest priorities. Health, Safety, Environment and Community (HSEC) is a policy we’ve integrated throughout the business.

Zero Harm is a fundamental belief that all injuries can be prevented. It is of utmost importance to ensure the health and safety of all. This includes our employees, customers, contractors, visitors, the public as well as in our workplaces, products and services.

You can read our Health, Safety, Environment and Community Policy below, or download a copy PDF | RTF.

Many examples of our commitment to health and safety can be found in our bond PDF | RTF.

Our communities are our homes. This commitment is demonstrated in our bond PDF | RTF, the core principles that serve to guide our decisions and actions.

As active participants in our community, we take pride in our role as good corporate citizens. We believe it is our responsibility to understand our role and actively work within the community to understand our neighbors as well as build partnerships with long-term commitments.

It takes social responsibility to consistently improve performance in the four cornerstones: health, safety, environment and community. We realize meaningful community engagement contributes to the overall success of the community. We believe that our actions should reflect the respect we embrace for the diverse range of people and cultures with whom we work.

Through best practice systems like our Community Relations Management Plan and Diversity Council, we continue to assess and deliver on our promises, as well as identify further opportunities for improvement.

Read our Health, Safety, Environment and Community Policy PDF | RTF.

Aldo Leopold (1887-1949) championed the term ‘environmental stewardship’, which is based on the human relationship between the land, animals and plants. The premise is about environmental responsibility and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices.

Steelscape is committed to continuous improvement of our environmental performance and the efficient use of natural resources.

We operate, develop, implement and maintain management systems for the health, safety, environment and community, which are consistent with internationally recognized standards.

Steelscape prides itself by having a clean environment designed to minimize air and water emissions, which are essential to our high standards in operations, equipment and facilities.

Wherever possible, we seek to:

  • Reduce the generation of waste materials at their sources
  • Reuse waste materials onsite
  • Recycle waste materials offsite
  • Minimize the storage or disposal of these materials either on or offsite, pending the further development of processes to increase their practical reuse

Many examples of our commitment to the environment can be found in our Sustainability reports.

At Steelscape we recognize that to be the best at what we do, we need to rely on strong relationships with our suppliers. Our suppliers are critical partners for our business and we acknowledge that our success is a mutual proposition.

Steelscape, and our joint venture parents BlueScope and Nippon Steel Corporation, treat suppliers as partners, and acknowledge that these partnerships are crucial in managing the social, environmental, and ethical risks inherent in our global supply chains. We seek to work with suppliers who share the core values expressed in Guide to Business Conduct PDF and the behaviors and principles of our Our Bond.

Our commitment

We are committed to sustainable sourcing practices that create, protect and build long term environmental, social and economic value for all stakeholders. We look at both financial and non-financial elements when considering sourcing decisions.  We also will choose products and services that have lower environmental and social impacts over their life cycle compared to competing products and services. Steelscape strives to conduct procurement and sourcing activities with integrity. We have a zero tolerance approach to bribery, corruption and illegal practices.

Responsible sourcing

We seek to partner with suppliers who share our supply chain values and standards. Our expectations of suppliers and their values, are outlined in our Responsible Sourcing Standard and Supplier Code of Conduct.

Our Responsible Sourcing Standard has been designed to ensure we have sustainable sourcing practices, including a Statement on Human Rights which sets out our human rights commitments to our people and those who work with us.  Suppliers must support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.

Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out minimum standards for suppliers. We expect our suppliers to meet the expectations in this Code themselves and to share these expectations with their own suppliers so that they are communicated through the supply chain. This Code of Conduct is relevant and applicable for all suppliers and contractors, including their use of subcontractors. We require our suppliers to monitor their compliance with this Code of Conduct and to communicate any issues or challenges in their operations and supply chain. Suppliers will also be required to comply with processes that seek to assess compliance with this Code of Conduct.

More information

If you would like more information on how to partner with Steelscape, please reach out to us using the Ask Steelscape functionality on this page.

Additional information on BlueScope’s approach to supply chain sustainability can be found on the Sustainability Reporting Page.  More information on Nippon Steel Corporation’s approach to sustainability can be found on the Corporate Sustainability Page.

Metal is a superior product of choice in many building applications due to its high recyclability.

Recycled content refers to the proportion of our products that are generated from post-consumer and/or pre-consumer materials. Steel is 100% recyclable, without downcycling, and is one of the most recycled materials globally by volume. There are two types of recycled content: pre-consumer and post-consumer, as well as reutilized scrap.

  • Pre-consumer refers to materials recovered from the manufacturing process before it is sold to consumers, such as scraps from the automotive industry sold back to the steel industry.
  • Post-consumer materials are generated by households and businesses, such as canned goods and old vehicles.
  • Reutilization of materials, such as scrap within the steelmaking process, is not considered pre-consumer material; thus, not included in calculating recycled content.

Recycling prevents the waste of potentially useful materials, reduces consumption of raw materials and energy (thereby reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions) as compared to virgin production, and reduces pollution.

For more information about the recycled content of our products please refer to our Sustainability Technical Bulletin PDF | RTF.

Reducing energy use for the cooling and heating of buildings is particularly important for the sustainability of the U.S. energy supply. For passive heating and cooling to be effective, appropriate building orientation, shading, ventilation, and insulation is integral to building design. Color and paint finish selection is also critical to effective passive solar design.

Cool Roof coatings utilize special infrared reflective pigments that stay cooler than traditional pigmentation. Cool pigments have been altered chemically and physically to reflect infrared wavelengths while still absorbing the same visible light, enabling the creation of traditional dark colors that reflect heat.

True ‘cool’ colors must be validated by the Cool Roof Rating Council. The Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) develops accurate and credible methods for evaluating and labeling the solar reflectance and thermal emittance (radiative properties) of roofing products and disseminates the information to all interested parties.

Steelscape manufactures a wide range of products utilizing ‘cool’ pigment technology. Metal roofs made with Steelscape products that provide low solar absorption can help developers and owners meet various requirements within federal and state-based legislation while allowing a wide range of color options.

Additionally, cool roofs, as assessed by the CRRC, contribute to building certification under numerous green building programs, including LEED.

More information about metal and cool roof technology can be found in our Sustainability PDF | RTF and Paint Technical Bulletins PDF | RTF.

Steelscape is your partner of choice in the development of sustainable, inspirational metal solutions for the built environment. Steelscape products can be used to design stunning and efficient structures that meet stringent green building criteria.

To assist designers, customers and end users, Steelscape has developed a comprehensive array of technical information, detailing the benefits of metal in efficient building design and how metal can contribute to the certification of projects under LEED, Living Building Challenge and other credential systems.

Specifically, Steelscape has developed a comprehensive Sustainability Technical Bulletin PDF | RTF, covering key sustainability topics when designing with metal. These includes:

  • Zero-Carbon and Carbon Neutral Developments
  • Urban Heat Islands
  • Voluntary Green Building and Product Programs
  • Recycling
  • Sustainable Building Solutions: Thermal Mass
  • Steel in Sustainable Buildings

For more information about the sustainability of Steelscape products and how they can contribute to CRRC, and LEED building assessments, please contact Steelscape’s Technical Service Department or your Account Manager.

  • Steelscape Sustainability Technical Bulletins 2017 PDF | RTF
  • Steelscape LEED v4.1 Bulletin PDF | RTF
  • Recycled Content Customer Letter PDF | RTF
  • Steelscape Green Book   PDF  –  A Comprehensive Technical Resource for Steelscape Coated and Painted Products.
Steelscape Green Book Cover

Steelscape Green Book   PDF
A Comprehensive Technical Resource for Steelscape Coated and Painted Products.

Climate Change Initiatives

Steelscape works hard to find ways to increase awareness and decrease waste. Recycling and reduction efforts translated to a cost savings of more than $500,000; not to mention the environmental impact. This included reusing and recycling pallets, preventing food waste at site canteens going to landfill, and reducing hazardous waste.

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