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SHALE | Ultra Low Gloss Metal Roofing and Siding Color

A timeless, balanced gray for all applications.

Neutral grays provide a versatile hue and a logical choice for sustainable, enduring designs.  The elegant color and even diffusion of light promotes subtlety and sophistication.

Developed to pair with other timeless features including monochromatic colors or rich natural wood accents.  Its lighter color and restrained hue enables other bold colors to excel without clashing and helps to eliminate unwanted shine and glare.

(Click color swatch to enlarge)

Shale is officially approved and listed with the
Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC)

Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) Logo

Product Sheets and Warranties

  • Natural Matte® Product Sheet PDF 
  • Natural Matte® Warranty PDF
  • Customer FAQ PDF
  • Natural Matte® HOA Guide PDF
  • Metal and Reflectivity Bulletin PDF
  • Strippable Film FAQ PDF


⇒ Revit Models

Use the form below when you’re ready to request samples.
Shale is the ideal material for those seeking a brighter tone without significant saturation. Ideal as a siding material in conjunction with rich wood stains, and warm brick colors. Or use as a modern roofing color, ideal for almost any building style.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9

