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CARBON | Ultra Low Gloss Metal Roofing and Siding Color

An unprecedented, rich black.

Sleek and ageless, rich blacks form the cornerstone of modern building design. The unwanted shine of some finishes can contrast with the depth of black to create incongruent design elements.

The delicate light interaction of Natural Matte, in concert with the depth of the Carbon, creates a commanding deep black in all lighting environments-eliminating unwanted shine and glare.

Carbon enhances the perceived depth of metal roof and metal wall surfaces. Developed to complement minimalist color palettes, single-color designs, or stark exterior contrasts-this ultimate low-gloss finish is perfect for residential or commercial metal roof or siding projects.

(Click color swatch to enlarge)

Carbon is officially approved and listed with the
Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC)

Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) Logo

Product Sheets and Warranties

  • Natural Matte® Product Sheet PDF 
  • Natural Matte® Warranty PDF
  • Customer FAQ PDF
  • Natural Matte® HOA Guide PDF
  • Metal and Reflectivity Bulletin PDF
  • Strippable Film FAQ PDF


⇒ Revit Models

Use the form below when you’re ready to request samples.
Ideal for either roofing or siding. Best paired with flush and flat product forms such as smooth wall siding or wide-pan standing seam to capture complete attention.

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9

