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What We Do

How Steelscape Painted and
Coated Metal Products Are Made

Process Steel

Process Steel

We reduce raw steel to customer needs

Metallic Coat Steel

Metallic Coat Steel

We add a metallic coating to improve corrosion performance

Paint Metal

Paint Metal

We add aesthetic appeal to steel through paints, finishes and textures

Add Value

Add Value

We finish products to exacting customer requirements

Steelscape is a manufacturer of quality coated and painted metal for the construction industry including products that cater to
metal roofing and siding manufacturers.

Steelscape performs three fundamental steps of metal production: cold rolling, metallic coating, and painting, guaranteeing superior coated metal products.

Cold rolling reduces steel to the exact customer size, the metallic coating provides the steel with its corrosion resistance, and painting provides the
final aesthetic appeal and durability.

Download the Steelscape Service Offer Manual

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9

