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Did You know Steelscape also offers two full-hour AIA accredited courses, available in live, or on demand format.

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Emerging Color Trends and Their Impact on Building and Residential Design

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore the external factors that are influencing color and design trends
  • Identify emerging themes driving exterior design in the near term
  • Translate observed trends into emerging color palettes and design features for exterior building design
  • Interpret how these trends influence exterior residential roof and wall color selection

Course Overview: Watch the embedded video, review the written content and take the assessment found at the bottom of the page. You must score 100% in the assessment to pass.

Credit: 0.5 LU/HSW

Learning Content:

This presentation explores color trends and design, which are predominantly visual elements. To best articulate this information, the learning content for this course is presented in a video presentation which primarily uses pictures and color swatches rather than detailed written content.

To review the material presented in the video recording, you can download a copy of the presentation slides Here

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