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Appreciating Our Differences

At Steelscape, we recognize the importance of a diverse and inclusive working environment. We are committed to creating an environment that embraces the different perspectives of our employees, values their contributions, and better represents the communities in which we operate.

As part of our D&I journey, we seek to expand the internal discussion on this important topic. Our employee-led efforts celebrate significant cultural milestones, explore D&I themes, and seek to improve employee engagement through snapshots, newsletters, videos, and more!

We want to ensure all people feel valued and included. We promote belonging and pride in our organization, equipping our people with the skills, knowledge, and diversity contributing to our vision and purpose.

Employees lead the way in advocating diversity and inclusion as a standard business practice. We developed actions and activities in support of our organization’s D&I strategies and objectives. The objectives focus on education, awareness, and feedback from employees while also providing the opportunity to share learnings across the organization.

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